Police: Large Bear Seen Roaming the Streets of the Hudson Valley
Police are warning the public after an over 400-pound bear was spotted roaming the streets in the Hudson Valley.
According to Ellenville police, Halloween in Ellenville was a busy night filled with children trick or treating. However, there was one trick-or-treater that didn’t seem to belong.
“At about 7:30 p.m., the biggest, yet majestic of all trick or treaters arrived in the Green Acres area and caused quite a stir,” Ellenville police wrote in a press release.
The big and majestic creature was a 400- to 500-pound black bear!
Ellenville police responded after receiving a number of calls about a large black bear making its way down some local streets.
Police spotted the bear on David Street, cleared the area and kept the large animal in sight.
The bear proceeded to take a dip in a pond, walk down Carl Street, up into the woods and finally back to its home in the mountain, police say.
“It is that time of year, where bears are looking to fatten themselves up for their long winters nap,” Ellenville police reminded Hudson Valley residents. “They will be extremely active until then and they will be seen in our area.”
Hudson Valley residents are urged to keep all garbage cans in a secure place, take down bird feeders and not to feed the bears as they will continue to return to an area where they found food.
If you see a bear, do not approach it. Loud noises should scare the animal away. Black bears are normally passive creatures, unless they are cornered or protecting their young, police say.
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