Who Does the Hudson Valley Believe More, Ford or Kavanaugh?
A new Marist Poll looked into who is telling the truth, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford or Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Depending on your opinion, the results may surprise you.
More American's believe Ford’s testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee about her alleged sexual assault than Kavanaugh, according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.
Marist released the results on Thursday. Over 1,100 adults were polled.
Following last week testimonies, 45% of Americans say Dr. Ford was telling the truth about the incidents at a high school party which led to her accusations of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh. 33% believe Kavanaugh was honest while 22% are unsure.
“Although a notable number of Americans are still on the fence, overall, Kavanaugh comes up short in the court of public opinion, and the gap between the two of them has widened since before the Senate hearings," Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion Dr. Lee M. Miringoff said.
It likely comes as no surprise opinions fall along party lines. 76% of Democrats believe Ford while 76% of Republicans believe Kavanaugh. Among independents, 47% believe Ford while 29% believe Kavanaugh.
When it comes to gender, 52% of women believe Ford while 39% of men think Kavanaugh was honest.
When it comes to comes to telling the complete truth:
- Telling the Truth: 40%
- Mostly Telling The Truth: 22%
- Lied: 24%
- Unsure: 14%
- Telling the Truth: 31%
- Mostly Telling The Truth: 26%
- Lied: 30%
- Unsure: 13%
Almost half of American's polled, 48%, say they now oppose the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, 41% support Kavanaugh while 11% are unsure. 43% opposed Kavanaugh in a poll conducted before testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
“If the results of the FBI investigation are inconclusive, a majority of Americans do not think Judge Kavanaugh should be confirmed,” Miringoff said. "If the discussion remains at a ‘he said/she said’ level, the benefit of the doubt favors Ford.”
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