If you thought driving on the Taconic couldn't get any more dangerous, think again! Now drivers must worry about hitting bears on one of New York's most dangerous highways.

Earlier this month, Hudson Valley Post reported that bears are waking up and on the hunt for food across the state.

Bears Will Start Approaching Homes Across New York State

Canva / Friends of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center via Facebook
Canva / Friends of the Feathered and Furry Wildlife Center via Facebook

“Across New York, black bears are emerging from their winter dens and may seek out human-created food sources,” DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said.

The DEC is reminding New Yorkers to secure or remove all outdoor food sources outside their home because these areas will attract black bears.

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Mama Bear Fatally Hit Along Taconic Parkway In Columbia County, New York


One mama bear that woke up was sadly fatally hit last Friday night along the Taconic State Parkway in Spencertown, Columbia County.

More information about the accident with the bear hasn't been released.

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Bear Cubs Missing After Mama Bear Killed In Spencertown, New York

Since the accident, many have been searching for the bear's cubs. Officials have been searching in and around Spencertown.


The Lucky Rehabilitation Center has been searching for the cubs since they were told about the fatal accident and a local hunter posted to Facebook that he spotted the cubs in the area.

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Officials are searching for one to three cubs, according to posts on Facebook.

Anyone with information on the cubs should contact the Lucky Rehabilitation Center. They can be reached on Facebook or by calling (518) 653-0971.

How To Stop Conflicts With Bears In New York

The DEC is reminding New Yorkers to be "BearWise" by following these tips which should help prevent human-bear conflicts.”

Keep Reading:

6 Easy Ways to Keep Hungry Bears Out Of Your Yard

Follow these "easy" tips to keep hungry bears away from your home.

6 Easy Ways to Keep Hungry Bears Out Of Your Yard

There's no sure way to keep the newly awakened bears out of your yard, but there are a few things you can do that will help prevent attracting them.

Gallery Credit: Cindy Campbell

LOOK: What black bears want, and how to deter them

LOOK: What black bears want, and how to deter them

Black bears are on the move in New Jersey and all 21 counties need to be ready. Here's a look at what might attract them to your property should one be sighted in your area.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

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