State officials released a number of tips to make sure your weekend is "safe and delightful."

The New York State Department of Health has issued some simple safety tips for the Memorial Day Weekend.

Tips include food preparation, water safety, avoiding tick and mosquito bites, and limiting sun exposure.

Jorge Villalba

"As we honor and reflect on the immense sacrifices of those who died while serving in our military, we also want to make sure that New Yorkers can safely enjoy the Memorial Day holiday weekend," State Health Commissioner Dr. James McDonald said.

Food Safety Tips For Memorial Day Weekend

Officials say to remember to keep all meat and perishable food be refrigerated so it doesn't reach room temperature.

Wrap any raw meat in plastic bags to keep their juices from dripping onto other food. Marinate all food in your refrigerator. Don't taste the marinated meat before cooking and don't reuse the marinade after adding meat.


Avoid tasting or eating raw or undercooked meat. Use clean utensils when handling cooked meat.

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Avoid placing ready-to-eat food on an unwashed surface with raw meat or seafood. Wash all cutting boards.

Swimming Tips

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Officials recommend to never swim alone because drownings "can happen quickly and quietly."

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Make sure to watch your children and keep your kids at about an arm's length in and around water.

Wear a life jacket while boating.

Precautions For Mosquitos, Ticks

Tick bite

Officials also say to watch out for mosquitos and ticks.

"Ticks can transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease, the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in New York, and other diseases," the New York State Department Of Health states. "Mosquito bites in New York can result in infection with diseases like West Nile virus."

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To avoid bites from ticks and mosquitos officials say wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts while hiking or in grassy areas and use insect repellents containing DEET, Picaridin, or IR353

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