New Stats Prove Newburgh Is 1 Of New York’s ‘Best-Run Cities’
City of Newburgh officials are taking a victory lap after earning top scores and awards from big time state officials.
The Office of State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli announced the City of Newburgh received a top score in terms of municipal fiscal health for the first straight year.
City Of Newburgh Ranks Among Top Cities In New York For Fiscal Health
“In 2019, the City Council and I charted a course to bring the City back from the brink of insolvency; six years later, leading public, private, and industry groups recognize Newburgh as one of the state’s best-run cities," City Of Newburgh Manager Todd Venning stated.
DiNapoli also highlighted an 11.5% year-to-year rise in home values in its positive long-term outlook for the City of Newburgh. The State Comptroller’s key assessment of municipal fiscal health confirms Moody’s Investment Services recent analysis that upgraded the City of Newburgh’s credit rating to A1 from A3.
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Officials pointed to the City of Newburgh's "strong governance structure and management team" as leading factors in the healthy finical outlook.
1 Of Just 2 Cities In New York State To Receive Top Score For Five Straight Years
The City of Newburgh is one of only two cities statewide to receive the State Comptroller’s top score for fiscal health for five straight years, officials note.
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Other Honors Of Newburgh
- May 2024: The City of Newburgh received the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, North America’s most prestigious award for state and local government budgeting.
- June 2024: GFOA presented the City of Newburgh with the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, awarded for the City’s transparency in accounting and public accessibility of its financial reports.
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Newburgh also won both awards in 2023.
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