Tips You Need To Know To Avoid Traffic at the Dutchess County Fair
Before you head to the Dutchess County Fair, you should learn these tips to avoid traffic.
Around 75,000 people visit the fair every day, which historically has caused massive traffic issues in Rhinebeck. While some traffic can be avoided, everyone should expect delays due to congestion, police say.
According to New York State Police, the heaviest traffic occurs between the hours of 4-7 p.m. and after the stage shows, approximately 9-10 p.m. When you are within two miles of the fair, it’s advised you tune your radio to 1610 AM for directions in and out of the fairgrounds.
Those traveling to the fair can access it by using State Route 9G and State Route 9 to travel north and south from Rhinebeck. Those coming from the east can travel toward Rhinebeck via State Route 308. All of the highways feed into Route 9, making the entry gates to the fair easily accessible.
To help with everyone’s safety, police will be at the fair and in the parking lots. Attendees will be removed from the fair and banned for any inappropriate action, police say. People entering the fair with bags may be subject to bag inspections.
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