Two years after a devastating fire a popular Hudson Valley restaurant has reopened with a revamped look, new menu and new name.

On March 20, 2017, an explosion rocked Joseph's Steakhouse on Route 9G in Hyde Park. The ensuing fire destroyed the popular bar and restaurant. Video and photos of the fire can be seen below.

At first, owner Joseph Wilson wasn't sure if he wanted to reopen his business. However, he soon started rebuilding.

Rebuilding was delayed after what was believed to be asbestos was found.  After two years of planning and rebuilding the restaurant reopened, with a new look, new menu and new name.

Joseph's Italian Steakhouse officially reopened at the end of July, owner Joseph Wilson confirmed to Hudson Valley Post in an email on Monday.

"The new Joseph's is completely rebuilt with a Formal Dining Room, Two Bars, one is in the Sinatra Tap Room and the other on the new Garden Patio. Our new Tap Room and Formal Dining Room are really amazing and we are excited about reopening. The Garden Patio also provides dining under a 900 square foot pavilion roof with lights and ceiling fans. The Garden patio also features beautiful gardens and a rock garden waterfall," Wilson said in an email to Hudson Valley Post.

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