Shameless Thieves Steal From Wallkill Lodge
Something very important was stolen from a local Masonic lodge in Walden and your help is needed to find the thieves.
The Freemasons have been around for years and they still continue to fascinate people who aren't familiar with them. Freemasonry is an organization with lodges and chapters all over the world and they have several chapters in the Hudson Valley. The Freemasons do great things for community and they are extremely charitable. It's hard to believe that anyone would want to cause them any grief.
Some thieves hit the Wallkill Lodge #627 F&AM located in Walden, New York.
The "G" was ripped right out of the brick wall.
Why is the letter so significant to the lodge?
"The Letter “G” Masonry is steeped in symbols and allegories that connect the Mason to the deeper meanings of life. The square, compasses, and the letter “G” are revealed to our members in the necessary degrees. However, the significance of the letter “G” has a far greater meaning with a Masons connection to our divine celestial power. The vandalization of our emblem, and to the letter “G,” affects our lodge at the very foundation, as our Brothers embrace the craft wholeheartedly, while in the lodge and abroad in life. Some handful of years ago, a member of our lodge handcrafted the very piece for us to proudly display. We are saddened by the events that transpired and genuinely hope that someone comes forward." - Eric Van Dalinda
Here is the post they shared on Facebook their Facebook page.
Anyone with information about this incident is encouraged contact the Village of Walden Police at (845) 778-5595 or message their page.
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