Some say this update is a "massive victory."

It's unlikely you'll ever be forced to wear a COVID mask during public transpiration again.

Amendment To Senate Spending Bill Includes Mask Wearing


In September, Senator JD Vance (R-OH) filed an amendment to the Senate appropriations bill that would prohibit the Department of Transportation from using any federal funds to enforce mask mandates in response to the COVID-19 virus.

The ban would prevent federal mask mandates on passenger airlines, commuter rail, rapid transit buses, and other transportation programs funded through Fiscal Year 2024.

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“Democrats insist mask mandates are never coming back,” Vance stated. “Well, I’ve got an amendment that will prohibit the Department of Transportation from enforcing mask mandates on public transit. Democrats say they’re not going to bring back mask mandates – we’re going to hold them to their word. If what Democrats say is true, they should have no problem voting for it.”


Senate Passes Bill That Bans Funding For Masks

This week, the Senate passed an amendment to a spending bill that bans federal funds from being used to enforce face-covering mandates on airlines, trains and buses.

"Massive Victory For Personal Freedom"

“This legislation will ensure that no federal bureaucracy, no commercial airline, and no public school can impose the misguided policies of the past," Vance added.

Warning: All Should "Avoid" Traveling To This City In New York State

Masks can still be worn, but it's up to each person to decide if they want to wear a mask while traveling on a plane, train or bus.

Michele Ursi
Michele Ursi

“This is a massive victory for personal freedom in this country,” said Senator Vance. “We saw countless abuses of authority throughout the COVID pandemic, and the American people were justifiably enraged by unscientific mask mandates. Today, the United States Senate took an emphatic step toward common sense and individual liberty. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished here and look forward to continuing the fight.”

Scuffles Over Mask Mandates on Airplanes

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