For some, the joy is in the journey. For others, the joy is finding a way to experience the sweeping Hudson Valley views without hours of strenuous physical journeying.

There's no shortage of incredible hikes around the Hudson Valley, but many of them require a big block of time and leave you sweaty and breathless. So, if you're looking to take in a nice view and feel surrounded by nature but you don't have time, the desire, or the ability to take on one of the big hikes, I offer you these suggestions:

Accessible Hudson Valley Views

There are lots of reasons why someone may not wish to or may not be able to take on some of the serious hikes of the Hudson Valley. There are quite a few spots where you can still enjoy a view without the big hike up front.

In fact, there are a number of spots where you can enjoy the scenic sights of the Hudson Valley without hiking at all!

Read More: The Best Overlooks in the Hudson Valley, No Hikes Needed

The Walkway Over the Hudson is one of the most accessible views. You can still take in the fresh air and breeze through your hair being up 212 feet above the water. Stop right in the middle and you've got 360 degrees of Hudson Valley mountain views.

Walkway of Hudson Half Staff
B. Welber

Breweries are another great way to enjoy the scenery outdoors. Check out the Hudson Valley's best brewery views here: Breweries with the Best Views in the Hudson Valley

Hidden Gem Mini-Hike in Ulster County

If you're someone who wants the feel of a nature trail with the payoff of a breathtaking view sans miles of steep inclines, there is a great hike in Ulster County that you should try.

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Tucked right off the main street in Rosendale is a pretty big public parking lot. Walk all the way to the end of it by the tree line and you'll see a trailhead for Joppengergh Mountain.

Technically, there are a few different trails you could follow around Joppenbergh. If you opt for the Joppenberg Mountain Loop, it's about 1.5 miles to complete and includes a stunning viewpoint.

A. Rogers
A. Rogers

This hike is short in distance and takes a lot of time to complete, but it does get steep at certain portions with a total elevation gain of 410 ft. Once you get to the viewpoint, there's a nice rock to perch on and enjoy the scenery. You'll even get a view of the Rosendale Train Trestle which is a great warmup for your mini-hike.

If you're in the market for hikes with fascinating finds along the way (like abandoned buildings), check out these 6 recommendations below:

6 Hikes To Explore Abandoned Ruins in the Hudson Valley

Coming across abandoned ruins really spices up a hike. Check out these Hudson Valley trails that take you back in time.

Take a Hike to an Abandoned Girl Scout Camp 90 Minutes from Utica