4 Live-Saving Tips to Survive a Hudson Valley Bank Robbery
Bank robberies have become all too common in the Hudson Valley. Knowing how to get through one without getting harmed is something that everyone should know.
Just this week robbers made off with over $100,000 in cash from the Trustco Bank on Route 52 in Fishkill. The man displayed a semi-automatic weapon and demanded the money before getting away. Luckily, no one was hurt this time. But do you think you would know what to do if you were in that situation?
According to Bankrate, there are two types of bank robberies. Thieves will usually either quietly pass a note to a teller demanding money or burst into a bank with weapons, as in the case of the recent Fishkill bank robbery. During a "note job," you may never even know the robbery happened. A gun heist, however, is when you really need to think clearly.
The first thing to remember when caught in the middle of a bank robbery is to do your best to make it end as quickly as possible. If that means handing over your purse or wallet, do it. Bank robbers generally want to get in and out as fast as they can. If you start arguing or negotiating you could risk stressing the robber even more than they already are, forcing them to turn violent.
Most bank robberies occur early in the day. FBI statistics reveal that Friday is the most popular day of the week for bank robberies, but weekdays between 9am and 11am are generally when most robberies occur. If you're visiting the bank first thing in the morning, you should be more vigilant.
If you happen to be in a bank during a robbery, it's best to just do as you're told and not draw attention to yourself. Staring too closely at the robbers or trying to take their photograph can get you killed. If they ask you to lie on the floor, do it. Remaining calm and quiet are important to surviving a robbery.
The last thing you want to do is run for the door. Any sudden moves will draw attention to yourself. Experts say that if you're near a door, it's probably smart to keep walking outside. But if you happen to be further inside the bank, just stay where you are and wait for the situation to end.
No one can ever be fully prepared for a bank robbery, but keeping your guard up and observing your surroundings is something everyone should do. Keeping these tips in mind is also a good way to ensure that you have the best chance of surviving if you're ever unlucky enough to be caught in the middle of a bank robbery.
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