Warning: Scammers In New York Getting Your Job To Give Your Money To Thieves
Your hard-earned money could wind up in the hands of scammers. Make sure you job knows about this ongoing scam!
A payroll scam is making its way around Upstate New York
The Sullivan County Sheriff's Office is warning of a direct deposit scam that is impacting workers in New York State
Direct Deposit Scam In Sullivan County, Upstate New York
Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff warned all New York State municipalities, school districts and any businesses that use direct deposit to beware of a scam that is currently being attempted in the area.
"The scam starts when a payroll clerk receives an email, supposedly from an employee, asking the clerk to update their direct deposit information. The email provides a new bank account number and other information for the employee’s salary to be deposited into. If the change is actually made, the employee’s next paycheck gets deposited into the scammer’s account and the money is gone," the Sullivan County Sheriff's Office stated in a press release.
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How Payroll Scam Works
Scammers first send an email to the business's payroll clerk. The email is made to look like it's coming directly from an employee.
The email requests the payroll clerk to update their direct deposit information. The email gives the clerk a new bank account number and additional information to make sure your paycheck goes into the bank account of the scammer.
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Until the scam is caught the employee's paycheck goes directly into the scammer's bank account, officials say.
“This scam can also be accomplished by fax if the company uses a payroll change form”, Sullivan County Sheriff Mike Schiff stated. “Payroll clerks should have a way to double-check any direct deposit change requests and make sure that the actual employee is the one making the request”, he said.