Three popular grocery store chains, with nearly 200 locations in New York, offer some of the best prices.

Hudson Valley Post recently learned that New York State is home to around 50 of the most expensive grocery stores. Luckily the Empire State is also home to over 160 of the cheapest grocery stores. See the list below

New York Home To About 50 Of The 'Most Overpriced' Grocery Stores

Bank Of England Governor Calls For Old Measure Of Inflation To Be Replaced
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Delish named "The Most Overpriced Grocery Stores In America."

Two popular New York grocery stores made the list.

Whole Foods Markets

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Acme Markets

Read More: New Year Brings 2 New Holidays To New York State

"If you’d like to avoid buying $25 water, check out the five most expensive grocery stores in America so you can shop somewhere else," Delish states.

Cheapest Grocery Stores In New York

Delish also released a list of the Cheapest Grocery Stores In America. New York State is home to over 160 of the cheapest grocery stores.


Sad News: These 11 Popular Food Items Are Gone From New York State Stores


Trader Joes




New York's 15 Most Popular Grocery Stores.

A recent poll by Hudson Valley Country found "New York's 15 Most Popular Grocery Stores."

What's shocking about the list is some of these popular stores (the full list is below) are also considered the "most overpriced."  Note: Those "overpriced" stores are after the popular list:

New York's 15 Most Popular Grocery Stores

15 of the most popular grocery stores in America are in New York state.

Gallery Credit: Getty Images/Canva

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Giant Horror Plant

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