"New supercomputers" are predicting a "wetter than average" winter for most of New York State.

The National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released its U.S. Winter Outlook. What do weather experts think the Empire State is in store for this winter? Do the supercomputers agree with other weather experts?

Most Of New York Will Get "Above Normal" Snowfall

NOAA Climate.Gov
NOAA Climate.Gov

The NOAA's U.S. Winter Outlook comes from the National Weather Service's Climate Prediction Center.

In terms of snowfall, the National Weather Service believes most of New York State has a good chance of getting "above normal" snowfall.

The Capital Region, Hudson Valley and New York City have an equal chance of getting either higher, lower or normal snowfall totals.

The Dates When New York State Can Expect First Snowfall

The average date for the first snowstorm in many parts of New York State is approaching.

The Dates When New York State Can Expect First Snowfall

Are you ready for winter? It's coming and may start sooner than you think in New York State.

New York Temperature Outlook

NOAA Climate.Gov
NOAA Climate.Gov

How cold will it get this winter? While some weather experts think we are in for a "season of shivers" the National Weather Service is actually predicting a warmer winter for the Hudson Valley and New York City.

The rest of the Empire State has an equal chance of getting higher, lower or normal temperatures.

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"New Supercomputers" Helping With Detailed Longrange Forcast


In June the NOAA started using the nation’s newest weather and climate supercomputers.

"The hardworking forecasters at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center produce timely and accurate seasonal outlooks and short-term forecasts year-round,” said Michael Farrar, Ph.D., director of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction. “NOAA’s new supercomputers are enabling us to develop even better, more detailed forecast capabilities, which we’ll be rolling out in the coming years.”

Get Ready To "Shake, shiver, and shovel!"

Farmer’s Almanac
Farmer’s Almanac

Last week, Hudson Valley Post reported on the Farmer's Almanac winter predictions. The Farmer's Almanac expects the Empire State will see a winter that is "slushy, icy, snowy" with "significant shivers."

'Bone-chilling Cold, Loads Of Snow' Expected For New York State

The Farmer's Almanac seems to agree with The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Hudson Valley Post also reported  The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts the Empire State will see a "cold" and "snowy" winter.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac
The Old Farmer’s Almanac

The Old Farmer’s Almanac believes the weather for the East Coast is "best described as Shivery & Snowy."

Snowfall will also be "greater than normal," for the Empire State, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

LOOK: Exotic Animals You Can Own In New York

Looking for an exotic pet to own legally in New York State? Here is a list of some animals that you can have aside from regular dogs, cats, and farm animals.

New York State's Top 20 Attractions

Are you truly a proud New York resident if you haven't visited these Top 20 attractions?

Attractions of America put together a list of some of the top attractions New York has to offer. Let’s explore some of the top attractions in New York State that you’ll have to add to your bucket list during your next visit. Keep track of how many you have already seen or been too. Which ones surprise you on this list? Text us on our app to let us know.

11 Christmas Towns in New York to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

New York City may be home to the Rockefeller Christmas tree but there are several small towns and villages that will get you in the holiday spirit with all the hustle and bustle of the Big Apple.

13 New York Restaurants Make List Of Food Networks Best Pasta In The Country

Food Network recently published a list of the "98 Best Pastas In The United States" and honored New York State with 13 shout outs. Even within that shoutouts, Syracuse and Upstate New York had 2 slots.

They broke the list down to specific dishes you can enjoy at these restaurants. Here's those restaurants on the list:

21 Of The Most Famous Foods Created In New York

17 Places You Might Run into a Celebrity in The Hudson Valley

Hollywood on The Hudson is real! It seems like there's a new celebrity sighting in the Hudson Valley. Here are a few of the hot spots that you may run into a celeb while walking around town.

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