See What Middletown, NY is Doing to Support Local Veterans
According to a report made by Continuums of Care to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development in 2020, New York had an estimated 91,271 people experiencing homelessness on any given day. Of that total, 1,251 were veterans. New York had the highest amount of homeless veterans in the northeast, and sixth highest amount in the nation according to that report. The only states higher than New York were Oregon (1,329), Washington (1,607), Texas (1,948), Florida (2,436) and California (11,401).
Stand Downs
According to the Veterans Affairs website, Stand Downs are events that are typically one to three day events where US Department of Veterans Affairs staff and volunteers provide food, clothing, and health screenings to homeless and at-risk Veterans. In addition, Veterans also receive referrals for health care, housing solutions, employment, substance use treatment, mental health counseling and other essential services.
Veterans Stand Down at the Middletown Elks Lodge
Middletown Elks Lodge #1097 will be holding their Veterans Stand Down on Saturday, October 22nd. Not only is this event to support homeless or at-risk veterans, it is meant to be a celebration of all veterans! This Veterans Stand Down is a free event for ALL veterans and their families. Kids are welcome. To start, there will be a free brunch for all veterans from 10 am to 1 pm. Besides the food, there will be lots of fun with corn hole games available and live music from Side F/X, a local band of US Veterans playing all your favorite patriotic tunes.
Of course, this event is to provide care and assistance to our veterans. These services below are free for our veterans in attendance:
• Suicide Prevention Information
• Healthcare Screenings
• Financial Services
• Massage Therapists
• Veterans Benefits, Resume Building, and Job Counseling
• Permanent Housing and Emergency Shelter Services
• Homeless Prevention Assistance
• Educational Opportunities
• Recovery and Mental Health Providers
• Legal Services
• FREE Haircuts
• Surplus Hygiene Kits! Food!
We Stand with Women Veterans
There is an expanded private area dedicated specifically for female veterans. This area includes new and gently used clothing, toiletries, and more.
Contact Info
For any questions, you can contact Stand Down Coordinator, Terri Mayer at 845-826-6844 or at Terrymayer11@icloud.com. Transportation is available for the event.
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