With the long July 4th weekend behind us, more official reports continue to come to light over  arrests law enforcement conducted across the state, especially concerning those suspected of driving while impaired. State Police say during last year’s Fourth of July enforcement period, troopers arrested 193 people for DWI, and investigated 949 crashes.

Police say they recently arrested a woman in New York state who was operating a motor vehicle well over the state's BAC limit. The arrest occurred on one of the state's main routes early in the afternoon July 7, according to officials.

Alcohol's Effect on the Body

Lehigh Valley Live posted results using information from the the Prevention & Treatment Resource Press. One example they used, was if a 160 pound man were to register a BAC of 0.30, then they would have had to have consumed 11 drinks in one hour.

See Also: Could New York State Lower Its Legal Drunk Driving Limit?

According to the McDonald Center at the University of Notre Dame, a BAC of 0.250 to 0.399% can lead to alcohol poisoning, and loss of consciousness. A BAC of 0.40% or higher could lead to onset of coma, or even possible death due to respiratory arrest.

New York State Woman Arrested Allegedly Driving Almost Four Times Over State's Limit 

New York State Police said in a press release that on July 7 at around 12:30 PM, troopers received the report of a possibly intoxicated driver in the area of State Route 32 in New Scotland in Albany County.

State Police say they patrolled the area and located a vehicle matching the caller’s description and conducted a stop.

The driver was identified as a 33-year-old of Clarksville, NY. The suspect was arrested for driving while intoxicated and transported to for processing, where she recorded a 0.31% BAC, which is nearly four times over the state's BAC limit, says State Police.

The woman was issued tickets an is due back in court in late July.

See Also: Man From Climax, New York Allegedly Drove Drunk, Crashed Into Cop Cars

Upstate New York Road Trip! 120 Miles Along Beautiful I-88

This roadtrip gallery takes us along the east-west Interstate I-88, which runs about 120 miles from just outside of Binghamton to just outside of Schenectady. This gallery highlights 16 places to mark down in your journey journal to check out. Places to eat, to enjoy, and to learn from. The trip goes (west to east) through beautiful areas of Upstate New York's mid-section, through parts of Broome, Chenango, Delaware, Schoharie and the edge of Schenectady Counties. Halfway through the trip you will go through the largest city along the highway, Oneonta, and several tiny villages like Afton, Bainbridge, and Unadilla. All have stories to tell.

All of these 16 stops are either on, just off, or no more than 10 miles from I-88. So prepare to take a little roadtrip along one of the Empire State's most beautiful highways, in all four seasons, the Warren Anderson Expressway, also known as I-88.

Gallery Credit: Chuck D'Imperio

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