Former Hudson Valley Jail To Be Transformed Into Apartments
A complex that formerly housed inmates will become home to dozens of Hudson Valley residents after plans were announced to turn a former jail into apartments. According to a press release from the office of Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan, the old county jail at Golden Hill Road will be redeveloped into a mix of senior and workforce housing that offers affordable accommodations.

Prices of the units will range from 30% to 130% of the area median income and all told will offer up to 160 apartments to people wishing to live on the property. There will be a 5,000 square foot community building which will provide people a place to gather and stay fit. Plans call for high-efficiency heating/cooling and will utilize solar panels on the roof to offset energy costs.
The Ulster County Housing Development Corporation has hired a Philadelphia-based company called Pennrose to design, build, and manage the project with working beginning in early 2021. Demolition of the old jail is the first task at hand and construction isn't expected to begin until 2022. The facility won't be ready for habitation until 2023 at the earliest. County Executive Ryan formed the UCHDC this past summer who then interviewed and researched interested developers.
Developers are expected to announce an opportunity for the general public to offer input early next year. Environmental and traffic research still must be completed before work can get underway. More information can be found at the Ulster County government website.
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