New York-New Jersey Trail Conference Wins April Fools’ Day
There's lots to love about the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference.
They maintain the beautiful trails that keep your dating profile selfie on-point. They sell trail maps that keep you from following your "no, I think it's that trail marker" pal off into an extra three miles of overgrown brush. And it turns out they have a sense of humor.
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On April Fools' Day, the nonprofit leveled up their social media game. We're talking almost National Park Service Twitter-level awesomeness.
Hudson Valley woke up on Monday, April 1 to this monstrosity:
That's right. The New York-New Jersey Trail Conference either used AI or Photoshop to put an escalator on Breakneck Ridge. The commenters played along with the gag:
"I need an elevator how do you expect me to bring my stroller up there!?" @thescrawnylumberjack quipped.
The post had 1,407 likes and 102 comments as of this posting.
NY-NJ Trail Conference Volunteer Opportunities in Spring 2024
If you enjoy hiking the trails and want to give back, the New York-New Jersey Trail Conference has a few volunteer opportunities coming up this spring.
- On Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6, the Long Distance Trails Crew will be repairing damage to sections of the Appalachian Trail at Bear Mountain.
- On Sunday, April 7 and Sunday, April 21, volunteers are needed at the conference's headquarters at 600 Ramapo Valley Road in Mahwah, New Jersey to landscape the native plants in the area.
- On Sunday, April 21, the Catskill Trail Crew will be working on bog bridges near the Rock Shelter Trail.
Please note that there's no escalator in or out of these volunteer sites. Sometimes there's a pretty sweet t-shirt, though.
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