6 Secret Tips to Snagging a Coveted Vaccine Appointment in NY
If you've been hopelessly trying to schedule a vaccine appointment for yourself or a loved one, there are a few secret tips you can use that will get that needle in your arm.
To say that the COVID-19 vaccine rollout has been messy is an understatement. Eligible seniors and essential employees have been trying for weeks to schedule an appointment to no avail. And now, millions of New Yorkers with preexisting conditions have just been added to the pool, making it even harder to snag a coveted slot at a vaccination site.
I recently became eligible for the vaccine due to a health condition. As someone who also has to work maskless for four hours every day in a small room with other people, finally being able to receive a vaccine to keep me and my family safe is a huge relief. But that relief quickly turned into frustration when I started to research how to apply for a vaccine appointment.
Luckily, I happen to have a lot of experience in securing hard-to-find things online. My years of snagging concert tickets, the newest iPhone and even a Playstation 5 for my son this Christmas had prepared me for this moment and I was ready to accept the challenge.
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