Why You Need To ‘Think Twice’ Before Buying a Rabbit in New York
New York residents need to know all the facts before giving a loved one the gift of a bunny.
A real live bunny is an expensive 10-plus year commitment, Gwen Kaiser the Co-Director of Reenies Rabbit Rescue tells Hudson Valley Post.
Think Twice Before Buying a Rabbit
"Think twice before impulse-buying a bunny," Kaiser says. But as tempted as you might be to buy that rabbit in the window, willpower is strongly advised! Bunnies can be surprisingly high maintenance and costly pet."
Rabbits Require Same Care As Other Pets
Rabbits live on average from 6 to 12 years and like dogs and cats, rabbits require spaying and neutering as well as regular costly trips to the vet.
Rabbits Eat All Day, Everyday
Rabbits also need to eat hay, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
"If they don’t, their teeth will painfully grow into their cheeks. This problem can then only (be) fixed by an Exotics Veterinarian, which makes for one expensive trip to the vet. Additionally, rabbits need hay for proper gut health and will suffer gastronomically without it," Kaiser told Hudson Valley Post.
Rabbits Poop Up To 300 Times A Day!
Rabbits also poop a lot! A rabbit poops 200 to 300 times a day, according to Kaiser and will try to mark its territory by urinating and defecating outside of its litter box.
Rabbits Are more Aggressive Thank You Think
Rabbits also aren't as cuddly as you might think.
"Throw away that notion of a cuddly bunny," Kaiser adds. "Most rabbits actually don’t like being held. The rabbit might also become aggressive and bite."
Some Are Allergic To Rabbits or Hay
Some people are also allergic to rabbits or hay and don't realize it until they brought the animal home.
"That unfortunate owner will then be tasked with re-homing their bunny. Most pet stores will not accept the rabbit back. The majority of animal shelters do not take in rabbits. The few rabbit rescues that exist are always full with a waitlist to accept surrendered rabbits. This is why bunny-dumping is an epidemic. Owners feel they have no choice other than to release their rabbit outside which spells certain death for bunny," Kaiser said.
A rabbit can make a great pet, but if you decide you want a rabbit, do your homework. One tip is to volunteer or visit rabbits in a shelter or rescue.
"That way, you will see what’s involved with rabbit ownership and will also find out if you’re allergic or not. Risk-free, most rescues ask that any adopted animal be returned to the rescue if no longer wanted," Kaiser adds. "So if it doesn’t work out the rabbit can be brought back to the rescue it was adopted from. It's a win-win for all parties involved. Adopt, don’t shop!"
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