Exotic Tick Which Spreads Deadly Disease Found In New York State
Tick season is here and officials are researching a relatively new tick that's been spreading across New York State.
The New York State Department of Health is urging New Yorkers to take precautions to avoid illnesses spread by ticks.
Tick Season Is Here In New York State
The arrival and spring and warmer weather mean ticks will become more prevalent across New York State.
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New York State averages about 7,000 new cases of Lyme disease each year. In 2019, over 8,000 cases were reported.
New Tick Identified In New York State In 2018
In 2018, the Asian longhorned tick was identified in New York State for the first time. It was found in the Hudson Valley, New York City and Long Island.
The tick, which is native to eastern Asia, Russia, Australia and New Zealand, is the first invasive tick to reach America in 80 years. In Asia, the tick carries a new virus that kills 30 percent of humans infected, according to the Washington Post.
However, the New York State Department Of Health tested more than "2,000 of these ticks and has not found disease-causing agents."
But more research is needed on these ticks in New York State.
"While this tick has transmitted disease to humans in other parts of the world, more research is needed to determine whether this can occur in the United States," the New York State Department of Health states. "However, New Yorkers should continue to take measures to protect themselves, their children, and their pets against all ticks and tick-borne diseases that are present in New York State."
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The best way to prevent tick bites and infection is by taking simple precautions like wearing long clothing and checking your body for ticks after hiking, working, or spending time in wooded or grassy areas.
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