These Thanksgiving Foods Can Be Harmful to Your Pets
Tomorrow is the big day. Thanksgiving is finally here.
Most of us will be surrounded by friends and family and a table filled to capacity with food. Of course we're going to eat everything in sight and most likely go for seconds, but we need to keep in mind our furry friends.
We're all guilty of being tempted to feed the dog or cat scraps from the table. What dog wouldn't enjoy a delicious piece of turkey? As much as we see our pets as part of our family we need to remember that most human food can be harmful to animals.
According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals there are several human foods to avoid giving to dogs and pets. Of course, foods like chocolate and alcohol are on the list. But the ASPCA also urges pet owners to avoid giving their pets yeast dough as it can disrupt their digestive track. The yeast converts the sugars in the dough to carbon dioxide gas and alcohol, which actually make your pet drunk.
If you plan on giving your pet turkey meat, make sure it is thoroughly cooked and contains no bones. Speaking of bones, giving a dog a left over turkey carcass is a big no-no and can cause lots of trouble for your pals digestive system.
Fatty or oily table scraps--including nuts--can also throw off a dog's digestive system and make them prone to pancreatitis. Small dogs are especially susceptible. (And the vet bill and treatment regimen for it ain't pretty.)
You can get a full list of harmful people foods at ACPCA.Org
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