15 Places to Learn to Ride a Horse in the Hudson Valley
A lot of us will be looking for new adventures this summer. You may even be thinking that it is time to take something off your bucket list. If horseback riding is something you have been thinking about I have found some great places throughout the Hudson Valley that can get you started.
The Hudson Valley is rich with places that can teach you to ride if that's what you are looking to do. There are also many places that will take you out on trails if you think that horseback riding may just be a one-time thing for you and some friends. No matter what you are hoping to accomplish there is a good chance that one of the places I have listed below can help your horse wish list come true.
I grew up loving horses and was one of those kids who asked my parents for a horse every year until they finally broke down and got me one. They also finally realized that me having one and working at the barn where we boarded my horse was cheaper than me just taking lessons every week.
So whether you are looking for a trail ride with friends or you are hoping to get in the saddle and compete don't hold back on that dream any longer. There is a Hudson Valley horse waiting for you and ready to make your horseback riding dreams come true. Happy Trails.
Horseback Riding Facilities in the Hudson Valley
Mohonk Stables - High Falls 845 256-2784
Juckas Stables - Pine Bush 845 361 1429
Lucky C Stables - New Paltz 845 255 3220
Gardnertown Farms - Newburgh 845 564 6658
Crosswinds Equestrian Center - Lagrangeville 845 223 7433
Ashokan Horseback Riding Club - Olivebridge: 845 657 8021
Westchester Trail Rides - Croton-on-Hudson: 914 539 2987
Netherwood Acres - Hyde Park: 845 392 5639
Mountain Valley Farm - Millerton 212 888 8545
Tullin Ranch - Saugerties 845 481 4321
Friendship Equestrian Center and Hudson on Horseback - Hudson: 518 821 8555
Horses for a Change - Esopus 845 384 6424
Southlands Foundation - Rhinebeck 845 876 4862
Meadow Creek Farm - Pleasant Valley 845 363 6000
Ivy Rock Farms - New Windsor 845-534 0365