Get ready to pay more to drive in New York State.

On Monday, the New York State Thruway Authority Board of Directors authorized the start of the toll adjustment process on the New York State Thruway system.

Tolls Will Likely Increase Across New York State Thruway

Dmitriy Melnikov

“As a tolling authority, we receive no federal, state or local tax dollars to support our operations. We have not seen a system-wide toll increase since 2010, and now is the time to move ahead with this financial plan so that we can meet our growing capital investment needs while continuing to provide our customers with the safe and reliable highway they’ve come to expect," Thruway Authority Executive Director Matthew J. Driscoll stated.

The plan calls for toll rates to increase for E-ZPass customers by five-percent in 2024. Another five-percent toll increase is set for 2027.

Drivers without E-ZPass, who pay tolls through the mail, will see a rate hike of 75 percent above the E-ZPass rate. The current difference is 30 percent.

courtesy photo
courtesy photo

Officials note a toll change in 2024 would mark the first change in 14 years. Tolls last increased in 2010.

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"The Thruway Authority, supported by analysis from its independent traffic engineering consultant, has determined that there are additional revenues required for the Authority to fulfill its system-wide operating, debt service, and capital needs through the upcoming forecast period. The full report can be found here," the Thruway Authority states.

Tolls Could Also Increase On Mario Cuomo Bridge

Increased Tolls on Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge
Darren McGee- Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo

The proposal would also raise prices to travel over the Mario Cuomo Bridge in the Hudson Valley. The plan calls for a 50-cent increase each year from 2024-2027.

"The average age of the Thruway’s 815 bridges is 55 years old with 75 percent of those bridges more than 60 years old. While they are continually inspected and maintained for the safety of the traveling public, more than 85 of them have been identified for replacement within the next decade," the Thruway Authority adds.

By 2027 the cost to cross the bridge that connects Rockland and Westchester counties will be $7.75

New York State Lawmakers Outraged By Potential Toll Hike

A New York State Thruway/I-87 road sign.
Jackie Corley, Townsquare Media of the Hudson Valley

Democratic Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara (D-Rotterdam) calls the proposal “outrageous."

"Shocked to see Thruway Authority come out with an outrageous toll hike proposal today while families struggle with inflation, rising costs. Clearly they’re out of touch with the times we’re living in—that’s why I’ve introduced a new bill to enact a much-needed toll hike freeze," Santabarbara tweeted.

Meanwhile, New York Republican Senator Jim Tedisco, from Glenville, called a toll hike "absurd," according to CBS 6 Albany.


Before any increases are approved, there will be public hearings ahead of a final vote.

A Peak Inside The New Thruway Rest Stops In New York State

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NEVER attempt to apprehend a fugitive yourself. If you have information on the location of any of these fugitives, you can contact OSI 24 hours a day / 7 days a week to report it. All leads and tips are treated as confidential information.

If an immediate response is necessary, such as you see the wanted person at a location, please call “911” and report it to the police.

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