Hours before a likely vote, officials believe President Trump’s proposed healthcare plan will have a “devastating impact” on all New York residents.

After reviewing amendments to the American Health Care Act (AHCA), New York State Medicaid Director Jason Helgerson believes the healthcare plan will cause significant damage to all New Yorkers.

“This act is going to be devastating,” Helgerson said. “24 million Americans are going to lose health insurance because of this act. 2.7 million of them living in New York State. It’s going to be a massive budget buster for the state of New York, devastating impacts to health care access, and real life implications for thousands- in fact millions of our fellow citizens. All of us as New Yorkers - our healthcare system is now at risk.”

Gov. Cuomo believes that a repeal of the Affordable Care Act would result in $13.7 million in cuts for 13 local hospitals.

"The radical conservative ideology in Washington has declared war on New York with legislation that will devastate hospitals across the state and hurt New Yorkers," Cuomo said.

According to the Governor’s Office, the following hospitals, many in the Hudson Valley’s 19th District, would be severely impacted with enormous cuts in their funding:

• Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital – $728,236 in cuts
• Catskill Regional Hospital – Harris – $3,013,299 in cuts
• Catskill Regional Hospital – Herman – $111,151 in cuts
• Cobleskill Regional Hospital – $270,332 in cuts
• Columbia Memorial Hospital – $2,444,439 in cuts
• Delaware Valley Hospital – $336,950 in cuts
• Ellenville Community Hospital – $336,950 in cuts
• Health Alliance – $1,367,237 in cuts
• Margaretville Memorial Hospital – $113,480 in cuts
• Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital – $3,720,827 in cuts
• Northern Dutchess Hospital – $854,905 in cuts
• O’Connor Hospital – $137,602 in cuts
• Tri Town Regional Healthcare – $161,111 in cuts

Gov. Cuomo believes that an amendment made to the American Health Care Act, introduced by U.S. Congressmen Chris Collins and John Faso would ban federal reimbursement for state Medicaid funds for local governments outside of New York City cutting Medicaid for these local governments by $2.3 billion. When added to the $4.6 billion cost of the AHCA over the next four years, the total cost to the State would rise to $6.9 billion.

Faso, who represents the 19th District, disagrees.

“An average of 42 percent of county property taxes collected in the 19th District are devoted to Medicaid expenses,” Faso stated. “If signed into law, this amendment will finally force Albany to reform its Medicaid program and save counties a total of $2.2 billion, providing them at last with the freedom to significantly cut property taxes for struggling New Yorkers.

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are expected to vote Thursday on the GOP replacement for Obamacare.

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