New Fishing Rules Issued In New York State
Top New York officials released new fishing rules that go into effect immediately.
The New York State DEC announced new regulations in the State's marine waters for recreational Atlantic striped bass fishing.
New Bass Fishing Regulations in New York State
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today announced the adoption of The (ASMFC) to reduce recreational harvest.
New York State works cooperatively with the ASMFC and all East Coast states under the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fishery Management Plan.
This past May, the Atlantic Striped Bass Interstate Fishery Management Plan approved an emergency action that implements a 31-inch maximum size limit for the striped bass fishery.
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"The new recreational slot limit of 28 to 31 inches takes effect immediately and is set as required by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) to reduce recreational harvest," the DEC states.
Officials do note the recreational slot limit in the Hudson River, north of the George Washington Bridge, will remain at 18 to 28 inches.
The new rule was issued in response to the large increase in the recreational harvest of striped bass in 2022 and repeated years of poor reproductive success, according to the DEC.
"The new slot limit is intended to protect a large proportion of the remaining adults to allow them to contribute to future spawning and stock rebuilding. ASMFC will continue to monitor harvest and success of spawning stock rebuilding, and if it deems necessary, may extend the emergency action for two additional periods of up to one year each," the DEC added in a press release.
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New York State officials said they had to comply because failing to implement the rule "would place the state out of compliance with ASMFC requirements and could result in the closure of New York's recreational and commercial striped bass fisheries."
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