Important Updates: What Hunters Need to Know for New Small Game Hunting Season
It's almost time for small game hunting in New York State. There are some changes to the season. Here's everything you need to know about dates, bag limits, and new rules this year.
Increased Mallard and Canada Goose Opportunities
Hunters can enjoy even more waterfowl hunting opportunities, with an increase in mallard and Canada goose bag limits and an extended goose season this year.
• The mallard bag limit increased to no more than 4 mallards per day, 2 may be hens.
• Canada goose season length and bag limits increased to 45 days with a bag limit of 3 per day in the West Central, East Central, Northeast, Lake Champlain, and Hudson Valley Zones.
Read More: Major Changes to NY Gun Laws Before Season Begins
Special Waterfowl Hunting Days
Most waterfowl zones also have special hunting days for youth and members of the military that often begin prior to the regular hunting season, giving these hunters the opportunity to hunt with less hunting pressure.
Youth Waterfowl Days
Northeast, Southeast, and Lake Champlain Zones: Sept. 23 and 24
Western Zone: Sept. 30 and Oct. 1
Long Island Zone: Nov.4 and 5
Military and Veteran Hunting Days
Northeast and Southeast Zones: Sept. 23 and 24
Western Zone: Oct. 7 and Jan. 20
Long Island Zone: Nov. 11 and 12
There are no special Military/Veteran days for the Lake Champlain Zone.
Opening dates for Regular Duck Seasons
Northeast & Lake Champlain Zones: Oct. 7
Western and Southeast Zones: Oct. 21
Long Island Zone: Nov. 18
Pheasant Season and Pheasant Propagation Update
The DEC will release adult pheasants on lands open to public hunting for the upcoming fall pheasant hunting season.
Oct. 1, in Northern and Eastern portions of New York
Oct. 21, in Central and Western portions of the state
Nov. 1, on Long Island
Ruffed grouse hunting season runs from October 1 through the last day of February in most parts of the state. In Northern New York, the season opens on September 20.
Squirrel, Rabbit, and Hare Hunting
Squirrel seasons started Sept. 1 in Upstate New York and begin Nov. 1 on Long Island. Rabbit hunting begins on Oct. 1 in Upstate New York and on Nov. 1 on Long Island.
With ample opportunities and mild weather, squirrel and rabbit hunting are great ways to introduce novices to hunting.
Wild Turkey Hunting
The statewide fall season bag limit is one bird of either sex. Hunting hours are sunrise to sunset.
Oct. 1 - 14, in the Northern Zone
Oct. 21 - Nov. 3, in the Southern Zone (corrected dates**)
Nov. 18 - Dec. 1 in Suffolk County, Long Island
Read More: Hunting Trapping Licenses Available for Season
Furbearer Hunting Seasons
The coyote hunting season begins Oct. 1 across much of the state and hunting seasons for other furbearers such as bobcat, raccoon, and fox begin on Oct. 25.
Season dates, bag limits, and other hunting regulations for New York's small game species are available in the Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide.
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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams
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Gallery Credit: Credit - Polly McAdams