Earlier this year, Empire State officials had been working on a plan that would significantly increase the cost of driving around some parts of New York.

New York State already has some of the highest taxes and fees in the nation, and with the introduction of new congestion fees for vehicles, it is even more expensive to use your car in certain parts of the state.

The Empire State Moves Forward With Congestion Tax In New York City

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted earlier this week to approve the travel fee for cars, trucks, and motorcycles that drive in Manhattan. Officials state that the new fees, which many are considering a commuter tax, will add millions of dollars to the city treasury along with reducing some of the horrific traffic that New York City sees.

The new fee plan that was approved reduces prices from what officials had originally discussed. Under the approved plan, fees will range from $1.25 to $36 when cars enter Manhattan and travel south of 60th Street. The fees would be charged when the vehicle entered Manhattan and drove into what's not being called the Central Business District.

The new fees break down like this:

  • Taxis - $1.25 per ride surcharge
  • Uber/Lyft/Rideshare - $2.50 per ride surcharge
  • Motorcycles - $7.50 Toll Surcharge
  • Passenger Vehicles - $15 Toll Surcharge
  • Small Trucks - $24 Toll Surcharge
  • Large Trucks - $36 Toll Surcharge

These tolls would be in effect 24 hours per day, but the rates would change depending on the time of day the fee is charged. The full rate would be in effect from 5 am to 9 pm on weekdays and 9 am to 9 pm on weekends. Rates would be reduced during the off-hours, 9 pm to 5 am on weekdays and 9 pm to 9 am on weekends.

While many officials are excited by these new fees, many New Yorkers are not happy about it as it increases costs in an already high tax place.

Now with these new fees taking effect in Manhattan, I wouldn't be surprised to see them popping up in other areas of the state.

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Gallery Credit: Ed Nice

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