Next month the Hudson Valley is going to get a new area code. This could cause some confusion for local callers and headaches for business owners.

Over two decades ago the Hudson Valley was forced to change its area code from 914 to 845. Anyone who was around during that time knows just how miserable the experience was. Many people calling from outside the area were unaware of the change and, because the change didn't affect cell phones, it became confusing when an area code was needed when calling someone locally.

Why is the Hudson Valley Getting a New Area Code?

As we announced last year, in the last two decades after our 914 area code was taken away and replaced with 845 the Hudson Valley has already run out of new phone numbers. As a result, the New York State Public Service Commission has deemed it necessary to add a new area code throughout our region.


When Does the New Area Code Take Effect?

Starting on March 24 new phone numbers in the Hudson Valley will start with the area code 329. That means that anyone receiving new service will not get an 845 number, but one that begins with the new area code.

How Does the New Area Code Affect My Current Phone Number?

The good news is that unlike the area code change of 2000, the new change won't affect the phone numbers we currently have. 845 numbers will remain 845, but any new numbers given out in the Hudson Valley starting on March 24 will now start with the area code 329.


What does this mean when making phone calls in the Hudson Valley?

For the past year, the New York State Public Service Commission has tried to prepare the Hudson Valley for the change by requiring everyone to dial 10 digits. Moving forward it will be impossible to make any call with just seven digits, even if you're calling someone in the same area code.

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Because of this, businesses will need to update their printed materials and advertisements to include the area code. Those who share their number will also have to remember to include the area code, as it won't be a given that it's 845 just because the business or private line is located in the Hudson Valley.

It's expected that the 329 area code will open up enough new numbers to last the Hudson Valley for the next 30 years.

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