How Much to Earn in the Hudson Valley to Be ‘Upper-Middle Class’
You may have wondered if you're upper-middle class, lower-middle class or working class. Here's where you fall if you live in the Hudson Valley.
First, it's important to define what these terms mean. According to Pew Research, middle-class households earn two-thirds to double the median income. Lower-income families make less than two-thirds and upper-class households earn more than double the median income. Within the middle class, there are also sub-groups such as working class, upper-middle class and lower-middle class.
Here in the Mid-Hudson Valley, the median income is just around $72,000, which is slightly more than both the national and state averages. If your household income is anywhere from $48,000 to $144,000 and you live in the Hudson Valley, you are in the middle class. Those numbers can be divided further, as roughly shown below
- Low Income (Poverty): Household income less than $48,000
- Lower-Middle Class: Household income from $48,000 to $60,000
- Middle Class (Working Class): Household income from $60,000 to $120,000
- Upper-Middle Class: Hoousehold income from $120,000 to $144,000
- Upper Income (Wealthy): Household income over $144,000
These numbers and classifications are just used as a reference and based on an average-sized family. Depending on the number of people living in a household, the family's total income may not tell the whole story. For example, families with a large number of children may need to earn more money to stay afloat, while those with no children can earn less and still live a lifestyle of someone with a higher classification of income.
It's also important to keep in mind that these numbers are calculated pre-debt. If you earn over $144,000 but have $90,000 in credit card debt you're certainly not considered wealthy. So, while it may be interesting to find out that you classify for a particular income class, that may not actually mean much in the real world.