MISSING: Have You Seen this Giant Golf Ball?
There's certain things that are so ridiculous that you just have to chuckle, even if it's a crime.
Missing Golf Ball in Hudson, NY
New York Golf Park in Hudson, NY took to Facebook recently to ask the public for help. Their giant golf ball that adorned the entrance to their driving range was missing.
REWARD $250 for whoever can return the giant golf ⛳ ball to the golf park. #reward #return #dotherightthing #integrity #forgiveness
As of publication, the giant ball hasn't been located, but local residents have some suspicions as to who may be responsible.
Senior Pranks in the Hudson Valley, NY
"It will probably show up in the hall of the High School. Not a good idea, but I have seen worse. I hope it is returned undamaged.", theorized one Facebook commenter. "I’ll reserve my judgement, until it’s found. If the 'Class of 22' took it and put on a gym teacher or principals lawn, my hats off, for creativity. Every other reason I can come up with, is simply foolishness", chimed in another.
New York Golf Park in Hudson, NY
Some people, myself included, were blown away by the fact that something like that could actually be stolen in the first place. "How much does it weigh? WTF" said a Hudson, NY resident. "Didn't realize it would be that easy to steal. People are something else" said another. Others still had creative solutions to how the ball went missing.
"I wouldn’t mess with the guy who took it. If he can swing the golf club big enough to hit that…", joked one man. "That's easy to find, just look for whoever has a real big golf club", another commenter piled on.
Jokes aside, if you see a massive gold ball in the Hudson Valley, the reward of $250 still stands! Does this make you want to go golfing? Check out some of your best options below.