Giant Flying Spiders That Could Be In New York State Aren’t That Bad
The term invasive (or, non-native) species doesn't exactly conjure the best image sometimes, but are all these new species necessarily that bad?
Scientists had been warning of a relatively new invasive threat from Japan, that they claim could spread up and down the East Coast within a matter of years. What we're talking about here are a giant, scary-looking spider that can parachute, according to experts.
But while they may look horrifying to some, are they anything for residents in New York state to be afraid of?
Are Joro Spiders Coming to New York State?
They're called the Joro Spider (Trichonephila clavata), a large, yellow three-inch-long arachnid that hails from Japan. Scientists from the University of Georgia say the eight-legged intruders will spread up and down the entire East Coast in matter of time because there's nothing to control their population in this environment.
And they can fly!
WESH says that the Joro use their webs like a balloon and ride the wind, which will only increase their reach even further. Experts say that they've been spotted all over states like Georgia, Mississippi, and the Carolinas.
Joro Spider Are "Shy"
The Hartford Courant said that scientists from the University of Georgia claim new research may shed the notion these giants are anything really scary. Arachnid scientists from the University claim they're the "shyest spider ever documented". Basically, they're much more afraid of us than we are of them.
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One scientist says “They basically shut down and wait for the disturbance to go away. Our paper shows that these spiders are really more afraid of you than the reverse.”
Scientists do say the Joro are venomous, but their bite is not life-threatening and produces little actual venom.
Most experts also say that they appear to have little effect on local food webs or ecosystems, Wikipedia also says that they've even been observed catching stink bugs.
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Gallery Credit: Brett Alan
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