8 Fun Essentials for the next Hudson Valley Storm
Everyone is a buzz about the possibility that we may see a direct hit by a tropical storm or even a hurricane this weekend. By the time some of you read this Henri may have already soaked the Hudson Valley or missed us all together. I am going on record with soaked. Why you ask? Because my home owners insurance sent me a text.
Let me explain. I have a great Insurance company, USAA and every time we are in the path of some kind of destructive weather I get a text from them. It basically says that they see I am in the path of a storm and they send a link to tips for being prepared. It is actually really nice that they send the text out.
So like I said by the time you read this Henri may have come and gone, or not hit us at all. In any event all this weather talk has me thinking about how lazy I have become lately when it comes to backing up my supplies for riding out a storm. Now before you start saying I should have batteries, flashlights and such around at all times that wasn't what I had in mind.
I always have the safety storm stuff backed up but what about the fun stuff. What about the things you'd want to have if you had to spend a day or two camping in your own house because the power is out. If you are reading this after Henri just keep this list handy for the next storm that blows through after all winter is on it's way.