More people are fleeing the Hudson Valley than moving into the region. However, most counties are gaining new residents.

Most of the Hudson Valley is gaining new residents. How many residents have your county gained or lost?

This month, the Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress released its Moving In, Moving Out report for 2023.

Hudson Valley Loses Nearly 5,000 Residents


In total, the Hudson Valley lost nearly 5,000 residents, according to the Hudson Valley Pattern For Progress.

Many counties actually gained residents, but more people left a few counties to put the region in a deficit.

The percent change for each county is below:

Where The Hudson Valley Is Gaining, Losing Residents

Most of the Hudson Valley is gaining new residents. How many residents has your county gained or lost?

"Although seven out of our nine counties gained population from migration, large losses in Rockland County and Westchester County more than offset the gains to the north. Rockland and Westchester lost a combined net of 9,581 people to outward migration, an outflow that underscores the strong desire to move," the Hudson Valley Pattern For Progress states.

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Data Used For Hudson Valley Study

The Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress used new data released by the federal government. That data shows that rural Hudson Valley counties gained populations during the heart of the COVID pandemic while suburban counties in the region lost population because people with high incomes and job flexibility moved away from density, officials report.

The nonprofit organization works to "identify civic challenges and promotes regional, equitable, and sustainable solutions to constantly improve the quality of life in Hudson Valley communities."

What Is Considered The Hudson Valley?


The Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress identifies the Hudson Valley as a nine-county region, Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester counties.

Columbia, Dutchess, Greene, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, Westchester counties

In total, the Hudson Valley lost 4,845 people to migration during the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the Hudson Valley Patteren For Progress.

"Hudson Valley has lost people to migration in 24 of the last 25 years, as more than 134,000 people have left the region for neighboring states and the South
Migration affects counties on a proportional basis," the Hudson Valley Patteren For Progress states.

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