Want to Visit West Point? You’ll Need to Know These 5 Things
Are you planning to visit one of the most historic sites in the Hudson Valley? Or should I just say "Upstate New York?" West Point Military Academy is part military installation and part college.
If you want to visit, you will need to know a few things. Keep in mind that there are tours available always from the visitors center and you will probably always see cadets running (regardless of the time of year) all around the campus.

What do you need to know to make your visit to West Point great?
If you have a Department of Defense Identification Card (DOD ID), you can pretty much go anywhere on the post. You will need to show that ID card at the entrance gate. If you have 'civilians' in the car with you, they should be prepared to also show a photo ID.
Don't have a DOD ID Card, but want to visit West Point? No problem.
If you do not have a DOD ID card, you will have to go through the Main Gate, or the West Point Garrison, to obtain a visitors pass. For your GPS, it is the Visitor Control Center located at 2107 New South Post Road, West Point, NY 10996, 6 AM to 10 PM.
Want to take a tour of West Point, NY?
If you want to take a tour of the base/post or the museum, then that is no problem. The only place that can take you on that tour is West Point Tours. If you go on one of those tours, you will need to stay with the group while you are on base.
What do you need to know if you are going to an event at Ike Hall, West Point?
Going to an event at Ike Hall? Then you are going to want to allow for extra time because you will need to first go to the visitors center, fill out a quick form, and then show your government-issued ID. You should be doing this at least two hours before the performance. Seems like an overabundant amount of time? It could be, but keep in mind you are not the only one going to the show.
What about seeing a game at the famous Michie Stadium, West Point?
Going to see a game at Michie Stadium? Then you are also going to need to go to the visitors center, fill out the form, and show your ID. To be able to experience everything that is a game at Michie Stadium, you will want to do this several hours before game time.
Can you take a tour of the US Mint at West Point?
Want to visit the US Mint at West Point? Want to see where they make all the American Eagle Coins? Maybe check out the gift shop? Sadly, it is closed to visitors, nor does it give out samples of everything that they make there. The only US Mint offices that give tours are the ones in Denver, San Francisco, and Philadelphia.
Here are a few people you might see while visiting West Point: