First Time Army Navy Game to Be Held at West Point Since 1943
As a military brat I have come to understand that long held traditions are just that, so for some reason I was completely oblivious to the fact that it is a "Big Deal" that the Army vs Navy football game will not be taking place in the neutral territory of Philadelphia this year.
West Point to Host Army Navy Game First Time Since 1943
At this time, it does not appear that civilians will be allowed to attend the game in Michie Stadium. If you are looking to be a part of the Black Knights action and get caught up in the spirit of the game as close as you can get, the Hotel Thayer will be showing the game and hosting viewing packages. The Hotel Thayer will be showing the game on 12/12/2020 starting with the march on to the field at 2:30 PM or should we say 1430 hours? There will also be a sing-a-long after the game. Reservations will be required. For more information about the game viewing or additional Hotel Thayer details, contact the Hotel directly at (845) 446-4731.