Top 7 Weapons Confiscated From Inmates In New York State Prisons
Violence in prisons is a reality. Even minimum security prisons and jails have their share of violent incidents. Even though inmates are not permitted to have weapons, they manage to get their hands on them one way or another. Sometimes they are smuggled in by visitors, sometimes they are stolen, and sometimes they are handmade by prisoners. Regardless of where they originate, weapons in prisons can cause serious harm or death.
2021's Top 9 Deadliest Prisons With The Most Deaths In New York State
Before we get to the most popular weapons confiscated from incarcerated individuals in New York prisons, let's take a look at the deadliest prisons in the state.
The New York State Department of Corrections released a report of how many incarcerated individuals have died in its facilities for the year.
Over the past ten years, there have been a total of 1,360 inmate deaths at state-run facilities. These deaths include all facilities - maximum, medium, and minimum security prisons, as well as Regional Medical Units.
The facilities with the most deaths in 2021 were the four medical units - Coxsackie RMU, Fishkill RMU, Walsh RMU, and Wende RMU. A total of 48 inmates died at these facilities with 47 being classified as natural deaths and 1 classified as unknown. For the purposes of this list, the medical units are not included in the top 9 prisons.
4. (Tie) Mid-State Correctional Facility (Medium) - 4 Deaths
Natural - 3
Suicide - 1
4. (Tie) Fishkill Correctional Facility (Medium) - 4 Deaths
Accident - 1
Natural - 3
4. (Tie) Coxsackie Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 4 Deaths
Natural - 3
Suicide - 1
4. (Tie) Sing Sing Correctional Facility, formerly Ossining Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 4 Deaths
Natural - 1
Suicide - 2
Unknown - 1
3. (Tie) Green Haven Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 6 Deaths
Accident - 3
Natural - 2
Unknown - 1
3. (Tie) Five Points Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 6 Deaths
Natural - 3
Suicide - 3
3. (Tie) Attica Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 6 Deaths
Accident - 1
Natural - 4
Unknown - 1
2. Clinton Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 7 Deaths
Accident - 3
Natural - 3
Unknown - 1
1. Elmira Correctional Facility (Maximum) - 9 Deaths
Natural - 2
Suicide - 6
Unknown - 1
If the classifications of manners of death are accurate, surprisingly, there may not have been any intentional homicide deaths in 2021. There were 5 "unknown" manners of death, which could potentially have been murders.
These Are The Top 7 Weapons Seized From Inmates In New York State Prisons
When it comes to weapons found on prisoners in 2021 (the most recent data provided by the DOCCS), there was no shortage, especially when it comes to cutting weapons.
7. Can Lid - 140 Confiscated in 2021
6. Scalpel/Exacto Blade - 167 Confiscated in 2021
5. Razor Blade - 262 Confiscated in 2021
4. Toothbrush - 292 Confiscated in 2021
3. Ice Pick - 337 Confiscated in 2021
2. Cutting Instrument - 338 Confiscated in 2021
1. Shank - 421 Confiscated in 2021
For clarification purposes, usually, toothbrushes are filed down to have a point or have some razor or sharp object attached to them. A shank is a makeshift cutting instrument, so it could be anything from a knife to a piece of a broken bottle.
Am I the only one who finds it pretty disturbing that so many ice picks found their way into prisons???

These 7 Prisons Are The Most Violent In New York State
"The number of unusual incidents has increased 132% from 5,980 in 2011 to 13,870 in 2020. These higher incident numbers were largely due to increases in assaults on incarcerated individuals (+81%), assaults on staff (+86%), contraband (+130%), disruptive behavior (+372%), and staff use of weapons (+1,035%)."In 2020, 1,836 weapons used to cut or stab, including ice picks, razor blades, can lids and shanks were discovered in state prisons around New York.