When is it considered "Too Late" to have holiday decorations up?When is it considered "Too Late" to have holiday decorations up?When is it the right time to take down your holiday decorations?Trevor EichlerTrevor Eichler
You Should Never Do This With Your Christmas Lights In New YorkYou Should Never Do This With Your Christmas Lights In New YorkThere are certain programs that allow customers to give back their broken holiday lights.AllisonAllison
Wrapping Your Car in Christmas Lights? Don't Do It New York!Wrapping Your Car in Christmas Lights? Don't Do It New York!Decking out your car in Christmas lights could send you straight to the Naughty List in New York State. JessJess
Your Christmas Lights Could Cost You 11 Grand in FinesYour Christmas Lights Could Cost You 11 Grand in FinesYour Christmas lights could cost you 11 grand in fines if they aren't set up properly. PollyPolly
Lights & Music Ignite Holiday Wonderland in the AdirondacksLights & Music Ignite Holiday Wonderland in the AdirondacksHave a wild night exploring the sights and sounds as the forest comes to life in the Adirondacks. PollyPolly
Putting Christmas Lights in Your Yard? Don’t Make This $11,000 MistakePutting Christmas Lights in Your Yard? Don’t Make This $11,000 MistakeYour Christmas lights could lead to $11K in fines if they aren't set up properly.CJ McIntyreCJ McIntyre
Where Can You Recycle Old Christmas Lights in New York State?Where Can You Recycle Old Christmas Lights in New York State?Have broken Christmas lights? Can you do anything with them? Can you recycle them? BrandiBrandi
Now You Can Get a List of the Best Holiday Lights in the Hudson ValleyNow You Can Get a List of the Best Holiday Lights in the Hudson ValleyWouldn’t it be great if there was a list that could tell you where to go to see the best lights? Actually, there is.Robyn TaylorRobyn Taylor
Fishkill Christmas Lights For A Cause Returns for 2021Fishkill Christmas Lights For A Cause Returns for 2021Preparations for an extremely popular Christmas light display located in the town of Fishkill are underway as the November 25th kick-off to the holiday season gets closer.ValVal
Are You Supposed to Recycle Your Christmas Lights?Are You Supposed to Recycle Your Christmas Lights?Do those busted Christmas lights belong in the recycling bin? The NYS DEC has your answers. JessJess