Staatsburgh to Commemorate the 109th Anniversary of The Titanic
We know the Hudson Valley is filled to brim with history. Some parts of our Hudson Valley history are connected to monumental events, like the sailing of the Titanic.
April 15, 2021, will mark the 109th anniversary of the Titanic sinking. Several historical figures in the Hudson Valley had some type of connection to the unsinkable ship. According to Staatsburgh State Historic site "Staatsburgh’s owners, Ruth and Ogden Mills, planned to sail on the Titanic. First-class passengers on the ship included the Millses’ friends, neighbors and Mrs. Mills’ cousin, John Jacob Astor."
The New York Almanac is reporting that Staatsburgh State Historic Site will be hosting several events to "commemorate the 109th anniversary of the Titanic’s maiden voyage and tragic end" throughout the month of April.
On Friday, April 9, and Thursday, April 15, Staatsburgh will host virtual Staatsburgh Quiz Night: Titanic-sized Edition. They're asking history buffs to test their knowledge with questions about the Titanic and its "Hudson Valley connections, countless film adaptations, and the fascinating parallels between Staatsburgh and “'The Ship of Dreams.'" Both pub-style trivia games will begin at 7:30 pm and admission is free.
There is also a special prize for nightly winners. To reserve your spot, sign up on their Eventbrite page. Reservations are needed as spots will fill up.
Staatsburgh Historic Site will also host "Program on the Portico." The half an hour program focuses on "Staatsburgh’s connections to the 'Ship of Dreams' - from its passenger lists to interior design." Unfortunately, that event has sold out.
For more details on the Staatsburgh State Historic Site Titanic-themed events visit their website.