Mysterious ‘Stonehenge’ Structure Uncovered in Ulster
A circle of stones discovered in Ulster County prompted officials to investigate its origin.
The mysterious arrangement of stones can be seen from above on Google maps' satellite view. Sitting right behind Five Guys on Ulster Avenue, the giant stones are arranged in a perfect circle, much like the famous Stonehenge rocks in Wiltshire, England.
When a local resident learned that the Town of Ulster was approving a plan by Kingwood Plaza to develop the land for a proposed 20,000 square foot retail space, they called up town officials to inquire about saving the "prehistoric stone monument" sitting behind Five Guys.
It was revealed during the February 15 town board meeting that an investigation was conducted about the origin of the rocks. After checking with two attorneys and a former town supervisor it was confirmed that the structure wasn't built by the druids or some other prehistoric group. Instead, the circle of stones was erected just 60 years ago by the property owner as a way to impress his girlfriend. Town officials say the structure was actually part of a park that was made by a resident as a private spot to spend time with his girlfriend.
This was either a very romantic gesture or just super creepy, but certainly not historic. Regardless, officials say that because of the concern raised by the resident they are exercising an abundance of caution and will bring in the town archaeologist to obtain a report on the structure.
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