Did You Know? It’s Illegal To Sell These Fish In New York State
You have your fishing license, and you love to fish, so what happens when you have caught too many fish? Do you clean them and keep them in the freezer? Smoke them? Enjoy the heck out of them while you eat them one at a time or do you pass them along to your friends?
Would the thought to sell them ever come across your mind? Not to your friends, but we are talking about you've quit your job and now all you do all day long is fish, catch and sell the fish to people you met on the internet? Here's what New York State has to say about that.
Can you sell the fish you caught to make a profit in New York State?
The answer to that question is no. New York State is pretty strict on you just selling your over fished amounts to your buddies via social media or word of mouth. Yes, if you catch one to two too many and hand them off to your friends that will work, but to process them, and then start to sell them as a full on business? Yeah, New York State has something to say about it, if you don't have a commercial license. Which fish do they say it is 'illegal' to sell in New York? Keep reading, that info is next.

READ MORE: How to go about stocking your private pond in NYS
Wait, it's illegal to sell fish you caught in New York State?
New York State says that it is illegal to sell trout along with Atlantic salmon, black bass, walleye, muskellunge, and venison. Doing so and getting caught will get you a fine, with possible jail time. Enjoy the fishing and only catch what you can use (during the correct season).
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