Every New Yorker Knows: What Does Leave No Trace Mean?
No matter what the season New York State offers many places for you and your family to get outdoors and be in nature. Hiking, biking and the thousands of trails that are so close, no matter where you live in New York.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation reminds everyone to be safe and have a good time, but they are also wanting to remind us of "Leave No Trace."
What does it mean to "Leave No Trace" with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation?
If you asked a friend what "Leave No Trace" means, they might simply think that it means don't leave any of your trash on the trail, campground or park. Does it really only mean take your trash with you? No, that is just one part of it.
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Here's a few more parts to the "Leave No Trace" puzzle with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation:
There are a few more things than just taking your trash with you. Another aspect of "Leave No Trace" is to not take anything with you. Let me explain. Leave what you find, like not taking the trail markers, or any of the signs, as it is important for other people to also know where they are on the trails at all times, you bring home this type of souvenir, doesn't help anyone if they get lost.
"Leave No Trace" also means knowing what to do with your doo-ty.
If you can avoid going to the bathroom on the trail, you should, and if you do need to go look for an outhouse or on-site toilet facility when they are available, not all trail sites have them. Thus, there could be a situation where you need to either bury your poo or bring it back with you to a trash can.
Leave No Trace really just comes down to being considerate for others who will also use the trails, campgrounds and facilities in the future.