Hudson Valley Radio Star Featured on ABC News
A radio legend from the Hudson Valley was featured on ABC News to share his story about a daring bare-handed shark rescue.
On Sunday, a relaxing day at the Jersey Shore turned terrifying when a lifeguard spotted a shark headed for the beach, with many people in its path.
A lifeguard approached the shark as it hit the shore. Then, another bystander jumped in and grabbed the shark with his bare-hands.
101.5 WPDH’s Andrew Boris happened to be vacationing at Beach Haven on Long Beach Island during the daring rescue and captured the event on video.
"I don't know if he's a fisherman or just one of these manly guys who just goes and wrestles sharks for a living, but he just put both hands around it and lifted it up in the air like it was nothing," Boris told ABC.
Boris’s video has gone viral. On Tuesday, while still on vacation, he was interviewed by ABC to tell this remarkable story. He was featured in the story which aired during Tuesday's 6 p.m. newscast.
The shark turned out to be a non-aggressive sand shark. Sand sharks are common at the Jersey Shore, but not near the beach.
Take a look at the Top-5 news stories from the Hudson Valley over the past week