Farm Finds! Current Livestock For Sale on Hudson Valley Craigslist
We've all found ourselves in one of those doom scrolling situations, right? One click leads to another and an hour has passed and you're on a completely random website from where you started and don't even know what you're looking at. Have you ever passed the time on a 'Craigslist scroll'? I definitely did earlier today, and here's some fun, 'furry' finds up for grabs here in the Hudson Valley.
Pine Bush Bulls & Cattle For Sale, Hudson Valley Craigslist
I'm not a regular Craigslist user, in fact, I don't think I've ever actually purchased something from the site, but man are there some interesting finds. Today there was an excessive number of farm animal posts on the Hudson Valley page. Here are some of my favorites, in no particular order:
Herefordshire Bulls, three of them listed just today, September 29th, in Pine Bush NY, should you have a need to add a few bulls to your, um, collection?
The description of the available bulls lists Franky, a 5 year old 'proven bull. Massive hulk, great muscle, and very friendly' - there's also a side note that he loves to have his shoulders scratched. He's a steal at $2,200. Also available are two of Franky's offspring, two year old for $1,500 and another young bull born this past spring who has the same parents as the 2-year-old, he's a bargain for $1000. See additional photos of the gang, and more detailed descriptions here.
There's also another batch of cows, or bulls, on the market in Pine Bush. A three year old Highland Cattle bred with a Belted Galway, a two year old cross of a Herefordshire Bull and Belted Galway, and a two year old pure Dexter, $1000 a piece for these beauties.
Craigslist Goat & Other 'Farm-like' Finds
If the big guys aren't really aren't your thing, why not consider this adorable 'in shape and very healthy' goat who might be named Theresa, unless that's this owner's name. This animal is in Hyde Park and on the market for only $300.
Maybe the idea of caring for livestock is just too much for you to handle at the moment, you might consider these dog salt and pepper shakers as a nice introduction to getting your farm started, or better yet, a rooster weathervane to really get into the farm spirit.
I'm not sure about you, but one of the things that pops into my head is about the transaction of actually acquiring and caring for these animals, not even the legality of it, but like, ok yeah, I think I'll buy this goat on Craigslist and then figure out what I need for it and how to care for it once we get home...anyone else think similarly?
If you've ever wondered about what types of exotic animals you are permitted to have as a pet in NY state, we've got you covered, below.