How to Rock the Hudson Valley Garlic Fest
Never been to the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival in Saugerties? I make it a point to go every year. It is the annual festival that bridges the gap between the end of summer and the apple/pumpkin festivals of the fall.
This years festival, the 25th one in Cantine Field in Saugerties, will be taking place on Saturday Sept 30 from 10AM-6PM and Sunday Oct. 1 from 10AM to 5PM. If you have been to the festival, maybe you have a few things to add, to help make it a great day for everyone.
Here are a couple of tips, that have helped me out in the past, and that will hopefully save you a few dollars and make your day even better than you were expecting.
1. Buy your tickets in advance. Here are the locations where you can pick them up. Advance tickets will cost $7 each, $5 for 65 and over, kids under 12 are free. Tickets at the gate will be $10 each.
2. Plan to get there by 10:30. This will get you in there before the big crowds. You won't get stuck in traffic (which only angers you and takes away from your time to look around) and you'll arrive in a happier mood.
3. Eat a light breakfast to leave space for all of your sampling. There will be garlic this and garlic that. Most samples will be complimentary (the garlic vinegar and hot sauce are two I look for each year), but there will be garlic flavored food items for you to purchase. Including, but not limited too, garlic flavored ice cream and garlic taffy. If you have ever thought that it could have garlic in it, or made with it, it will be at this place.
4. Your breath will stink. After reading #3, you will know this to be true. Bring breathmints for afterward. Ok and maybe you might need gum too. Know that if you plan to be around other people who did not attend the garlic fest with you, there could be trouble.
5. Wear comfortable shoes. There are LOTS of vendors there and if they're in the "field" the ground is a bit uneven. Flat, comfortable shoes are best.
6. Be prepared for all kinds of weather, as this is a rain or shine event. I have been there when there hasn't been a cloud in the sky. I have also been there when it has poured for about 10 minutes and everyone grabs their umbrellas and keeps going. I now bring a rain poncho, just in case. (Better to have it, yadda yadda ya.)
7. Relax and have fun. Keep in mind this is something that you will remember forever that you went too and is one of the largest Garlic Festivals on the East Coast.
If you are a local artist and want a shot at creating the poster for next years festival, contact the folks at Hudson Valley Garlic Fest.
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