One day (allegedly very soon) there will be retail recreational cannabis sales in New York State. In the meantime, you might find yourself heading to Massachusetts or New Jersey for your recreational needs.

Do you find yourself asking the same questions each time you go into one of those out-of-state stores?

What is this do? What does that do? Which is the body high? Which type helps with pain? What's the difference between this item and that item? Heck, I know I do. I can't say I go often enough that I can remember what to ask for, but I have always found everyone super helpful at these stores. To help myself, and you here are 4 common words or phrases that you will keep hearing in one of those cannabis retail stores.

What is Indica? What does it do?

Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash
Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash

Ok, there is a type of cannabis called Indica. Please note that I am not a medical professional in any way and if you have additional questions, ask the professionals. Indica is the type of cannabis that is supposed to help with pain. It is allegedly more sedating. There are a bunch of products that will help with pain and sleep (melatonin added).

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What is Sativa? How does that affect most people?

Photo by herbadea Berlin on Unsplash
Photo by herbadea Berlin on Unsplash

Apparently, Sativa has a more stimulating effect, more of an energizing feeling with your buzz. From what the person at the shop I went into in Mass, she said that not everyone has the expected effect, and that each person has to be very careful with what they try, but for most, Sativa is a happy, euphoric, and energizing experience.

What does CBD mean, and does it give you a high?

Photo by CBD Infos on Unsplash
Photo by CBD Infos on Unsplash

What is CBD's? CBD stands for Cannabidiol. This is a compound from the cannabis leaf that is extracted from the plant. It has beneficial properties and is known to help with pain. However, because it lacks THC (explained in the next part) it doesn't get you or give you a high, nor is it addictive.

So, what is THC?

THC is a phrase or word that you will hear a lot in these stores. Tetrahydrocannabinol is THC. It is the 'thing' in cannabis or weed that has psychoactive effects. If a product has THC in it, it will get you 'high.'

Make sure to discuss these products with your professional. Keep in mind, that each person will react differently to the chemical compounds in any one of the above products.

SEE ALSO: New York State 'What is Legal Right Now for Cannabis?"

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