One Hudson Valley Region is the Hidden Capitol for Violets
Mother nature's beauty is flourishing in the Hudson Valley. The sun is shining bright on these warm, soon to be summer days. The grass is greener than ever, the flowers are blossoming and growing.
It seems that summer tends to be the majority of residents' favorite month out of the year. There's so much to do, see and explore within the Hudson Valley.
I love visiting new places, finding hidden gems in the Hudson Valley, and spending time in nature. There are gardens, arboretums, and flower fields to check out in our area. The Hudson Valley is known for so many things but most importantly, for having this flower.
One specific region in the Hudson Valley is known for being the hidden capital for violets.
This flower was mainly popular during the 20th century. It was mostly in bouquets, corsages, and food. The majority of these flowers came from Dutchess County.
Why was this flower so popular in the Hudson Valley?
Parma Violets were well known in England before they became a sensation in New York.
During the late 1800s until the early 1900s, those who helped grow these flowers were mainly from Dutchess County in areas such as Red Hook and Fishkill. They had an important job of transporting these violets all around.
With the growing popularity of this flower in the Hudson Valley, it soon became known as "America's Violet Belt". There were about 400 greenhouses that consisted of this flower. Would you believe that this happened right where we reside?
Those who loved flowers were able to see this popular flower at the Vonder Lindens Violet House which was located in Rhinebeck, NY
How did these violets get popular in the Hudson Valley?
When William Saltford landed in the Hudson Valley, he decided to bring in some violets from Europe and grow them in Dutchess County. His greenhouses were located in Poughkeepsie. This is where he picked and also sold these flowers. Saltford would also send some of these flowers to New York City.
His idea of bringing them to New York was smart. William's brother, George also had the idea of starting his own violet business close by in Rhinebeck. They were immigrants who were later known as pioneers
Have you wondered why there is a Violet Avenue in Poughkeepsie?
Those who know this story wonder if this was done with the good intention of this fan-favorite flower. Bahret Place is on Violet Avenue in this town. At this time, violets were one of the country's largest ways to make money. Their "Violet Special" also made it to Chicago, Philadelphia, and Boston areas.
Why was Dutchess County the "it" place for these special violets?
This question is unknown however, the soil in Dutchess County was what was needed to grow these violets. Will these flowers be popular again in the Hudson Valley? We shall see.
Did you know about Parma violets? What's your favorite flower? Share with us below.