If you've started sneezing over the past few days, prepare yourselves for an explosion of pollen this weekend in the Hudson Valley.

With the strange fluctuations in temperatures over the past month, many local residents haven't really started feeling the effects of springtime allergies until this week. Over the past few days, pollen levels in the Hudson Valley have risen dramatically, and will continue to climb over the weekend.

According to The Weather Channel, The Hudson Valley was at high levels of pollen yesterday and today. More high levels are expected for Saturday, so those who are prone to pollen allergies should expect to feel symptoms. On Sunday, the pollen levels will rise to "very high" status, with the likeliest chance for those who suffer from allergies to be affected.

Hudson Valley residents have their own way of dealing with allergies, including some non-traditional remedies, such as local honey, onions and wasabi peas. You can check out a full list of allergy "cures" that local residents swear by to get even more ideas.

for those who'd rather trust their noses to the experts, Dr. David Resnick from Poughkeepsie recently explained to us what each allergy medicine does, and which ones actually work.

How do you deal with allergies? Do you prefer home remedies over medication? Let us know your preference in the comments section below or on our Facebook page.

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