Why Would You Drink This Martini
Because it is National Lobster Day this coming Tuesday September 25th. Weird to celebrate the lobster in the fall but here is why. According to the National Days Calendar it was the year 2014 when two Senators from Maine, Angus King and Susan Collins drafted a joint resolution the proclaimed September 25th the day to recognized not just the Lobster but the men and women in the Lobster industry. The Proclamation "celebrates lobsters from sea to table".
So how to celebrate this delicious crustacean on it's special day? Sadly you eat it or maybe drink it. That's right I said drink it. We will get back to that in a moment but right now let's take a look at the amazing lobster dishes we could enjoy.
The Lobster Roll is a favorite especially if you have traveled to Cape Cod.
Of course you could also enjoy a cup of Lobster Bisque. There is the traditional Lobster Steamed with yummy melted butter on the side. You could also try an old favorite Lobster Newburg. Whatever you choose enjoy it. Lobster is sometimes consider to expensive and that just isn't true. However I do realize a steady diet of lobster might have your doctor chasing you down about your cholesterol. So instead of all the butter and gooey sauce rich with cream why not celebrate with a National Lobster Day style Martini. Check out this place in Salem known for its Lobster and Its Lobster Martini.
I am not quite sure where you could order this on Tuesday but call around there is bound to be an adventuresome bartender somewhere in the Hudson Valley.
Local restaurant suggestions for Lobster
Captain Jake's River House in Newburgh
Gadaleto's Seafood Market and Restaurant in New Paltz
Hudson's Ribs & Fish in Fishkill