
NY Pizzeria Offers Tide Pod Pizza
NY Pizzeria Offers Tide Pod Pizza
NY Pizzeria Offers Tide Pod Pizza
They say there's no such thing as a bad pizza. It's safe to say we've officially seen everything now. Dig in, everyone. I hope you've got your appetite. If you're looking for a sudsy and trendy new pizza topping this might be the one for you.
3 Tasty Hudson Valley, New York Food Challenge Locations
3 Tasty Hudson Valley, New York Food Challenge Locations
3 Tasty Hudson Valley, New York Food Challenge Locations
Ever wanted to go "all in" on a food challenge? Maybe eat 14 pizzas in under 2 hours? How about an 8 pound burrito in 45 minutes? Here are few locations in the Hudson Valley that you can attempt to conquer a food challenge.